code of the Ninja();

// in search of swift, efficient, and invisible code


The Nitpicker's Guide to Sonic Genesis - Part I

Hello again, Code Ninjas, and welcome to the first ever Code of the Ninja special, The Nitpicker's Guide to Sonic Genesis - Part I.

Some Code Ninjas are a disgrace to their title - they fail spectacularly at our subtle art. Perhaps they lack the necessary commitment or training. Or, perhaps they are not entirely to blame, and the reason for their failure is a lack of time, or budget.

Either way, the results of their efforts suffer terrible scars, belying the shoddy and haphazard code underneath. This is unacceptable, for the Code Ninja should be swift, efficient, and invisible.

The outstanding example of such an unsuccessful mission is Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. It is supposed to be a port of the 1991 Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis (Mega Drive), but you'd barely know it. Whereas the original Sonic the Hedgehog is an exemplar of good programming by a true Goemon of code, this embarrassing port is a shambles, infamous for being the worst Sonic game ever. In fact, it has a strong claim to be the worst programmed video game ever (a distinction a certain Bubsy Bobcat is used to enjoying).

In this special series of Code of the Ninja, I aim to draw attention to each of Sonic Genesis's plenitude of flaws, with special emphasis on their likely causes. It is one thing to notice that Sonic Genesis is bad - it is entirely another to find out why. It is a testament to the degree of the abject failure of the Sonic Genesis programmers that the likely causes of the many glitches in the game are not opaque.

To be sure, I cannot be 100 percent certain of any of the causes I will cite. I do not have access to the programmers' code, nor the inner workings of their brains (and I'm grateful, for they would assuredly be terrifying), but I can make educated guesses. As a Ninja whose current mission plants him squarely in the wilds of his own Sonic engine, I am in a better position than most to make such observations.

As in the infancy of the discipline of taxonomy, before the advent of the field of genetics, one simply looked at the external features of a lifeform when classifying it. The underlying coded information, the recipe for those external features, was invisible to taxonomists at the time, just as Sonic Genesis's code is unavailable to me.

They made mistakes, certainly, especially because of the wonderful yet maddening effects of convergent evolution, but plenty of good work was done, enough to cement the endeavor as respectable.

It is in this spirit that I undertake nitpicking Sonic Genesis. Whether all of my evaluations turn out to be true or false, I hope many of them will be incising insights, which will arm inchoate Code Ninjas and help them avoid the same traps and pitfalls (some of which the Sonic Genesis programmers' feet are still sticking out of, accompanied by contented digestive noises).

As a bonus, I will be pointing out some extra flaws each time which were not the result of programming.

Code Flaw #001: Sonic is not synched to moving platforms



Programming moving platforms in a video game is actually relatively easy. When the character object detects a platform, it remembers the ID of the platform. From then on (until the character falls or jumps off the platform), the platform's motion is simply added to the character's.

Sounds easy enough. But a lot of beginners (including me, back in the day) are surprised to discover upon running their game, that the character's movement is not perfectly synchronised with that of the platform.

It turns out that it all relies on the order in which the code is performed. Every frame of the game (and there are usually 60 per second), the objects perform their code. But they can't do this at the same time - they queue up and do it one after another.

If the platform moves first, then Sonic follows suit. Then the screen is refreshed, and the player sees Sonic stuck fast to the platform. All is well.

But what if the platform comes later in the queue than Sonic? Then, Sonic moves based on the speed or position that the platform had in the last step. Then the platform moves to its new position. Then the screen is refreshed. The player sees Sonic juttering about the general vicinity of the platform, but not firmly atop it. Sonic is lagging behind, basing his position on variables that are one frame out of date!

Unless all moving solids complete their code before the character object's routine is run, this will be a problem. In Game Maker, this would amount to putting the platform routines in the "Begin Step" event.

Apparently the "programmers" of Sonic Genesis were too rushed or lazy to bother with this simple fact, and so they fail to achieve decent moving platform physics - something that early NES games can do in their sleep. It's pretty pathetic, when you think about it.

Bonus Flaw #001: The background in the title screen isn't animated

Not only is there no paralax, and the clouds don't blow by on the breeze, but the waterfalls and sparkles on the surface of the lake are totally frozen! The GBA can palette cycle, so there seems to be no explanation for this besides sheer sloppiness.

Bonus Flaw #002: There is no shrapnel when crushing through walls

Yes, folks - the segments of rock (or metal, in Starlight Zone) simply disappear, accompanied by a lame "poit" sound effect that is nothing like the original. I'm guessing that the 6 month delay still wasn't enough time to implement a few bits of shrapnel flying away.

Well, that's it for now. The normal Code of the Ninja will not be interrupted by the Nitpicker's Guide, so I'll see you next time.

Happy coding!


Smart Triggers

Welcome to another lesson, Code Ninjas! This time I'll be demonstrating a game design concept, and not actual code. It's pretty simple, actually, but it requires a bit of backstory.

In The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker for the Gamecube, you can target enemies with the L trigger. They call this L-Targeting. In the options menu of the game, you can change the behaviour of the L-Targeting. The two settings are Switch and Hold. The difference between them is thus: In Switch Mode, you begin targeting by pressing and releasing the L trigger once. You then stop targeting by pressing and releasing the L trigger again. In Hold Mode, you begin targeting by pressing and holding the L trigger down, and you stop targetting by releasing the L trigger.

Now, this option is an important one. I use Hold Mode, myself, and play miserably in Switch Mode. Some of my friends, however, use Switch Mode, and perform admirably. One mode isn't really better than the other. It all depends on the type of player.

However, when using either mode, sometimes things still don't work out so well. For instance, in Hold Mode, during long battles against one enemy, your finger can get tired out squeezing the trigger the whole time. In Switch Mode, in battles with many enemies, pressing the L trigger again sometimes cycles to the next enemy instead of ceasing to target altogether. This makes terminating a confrontation and retreating a confusing process. Continually switching between modes through the option menu would be tedious, though, so a player tends to pick one mode and stick with it, warts and all.

While thinking about these issues, I thought of a simple third setting, which I called Smart Mode. Perhaps it does not solve all of the problems, and I can't quite test it out in Windwaker, but here is how it would work.

Basically, when a press of the L trigger is detected, a timer begins. In Game Maker, you would use an alarm event, or increase a variable every step. Anyway, then when a release of the L trigger is detected, one of two things would happen:

1 - If the timer was below a certain time (say two-thirds of a second, about), you wouldn't stop targeting. It's rare that a player would want to target something for so short a time. At this point, it would require another press of L to cease targeting.

2 - If the timer was above that time, then you would cease targeting. In this way, a natural quick press and release of the trigger would enter Switch Mode, and pressing and holding down the trigger would enter Hold Mode. In a way, both modes would be available to you at any time, without having to change anything in the options menu. The computer could detect which you wanted it to be based on how you pressed the button. It is for this reason that I call it Smart Mode. It's like the computer knows what you're thinking.

This "smart toggling" system could be used for anything. It doesn't have to be targeting in a 3D adventure game. It could be used for opening and dismissing a Seiken Densetsu style menu ring, or activating a protective shield, or even for changing between two different weapon types in an action sidescroller.

And I'm sure that you Code Ninjas could think of many more applications that I couldn't. So, think about how you might add "smart" triggers or toggles to your game. It might make it a little more user-friendly.

Happy coding!